Sunday, December 23, 2018

2012 - Pulse Delay Modulation (PDM) A New Wideband Data Transmission Method to Implantable Medical Devices in Presence of a Power Link

  • implantable medical devices (IMDs)
    •  invasive brain-computer interfaces (iBCI)
  • modulation 
    • D- differential 
    • Q- quadrature
  • phase-locked loops (PLL) 

  • What is pulse delay modulation?
  • What does cross coupling in a circuit mean?
  • What does direct coupling in a circuit mean?
    • i.e., k
Abstract— This paper introduces a new technique, called pulse delay modulation (PDM), for wideband data transmission across inductive links along with the power carrier. It consumes small power, provides robustness against strong power carrier interference, and does not affect the power transfer efficiency (PTE).

In PDM, a pattern of narrow pulses are transmitted at precise time delays for each data bit through an inductive link to initiate a short oscillatory pattern across the receiver (Rx) data coil. This oscillation shifts the zero-crossings of the undesired sinusoidal power carrier interference on the Rx data coil, resulting in a phase shift between the Rx power and data signals, from which the data bit stream can be recovered. We describe the PDM theoretical foundation and demonstrate its operation via post-layout simulation of a PDM transceiver, designed in a 0.35-µm standard CMOS process, using a realistic inductive link model. The PDM transceiver is expected to achieve a data rate of 13.56 Mbps at 1 cm data coils separation with up to 2 mm misalignment while delivering >250 mW through an orthogonal power transmission link to an implantable medical device.

  • carrier-less modulation technique
  • saves the power and space needed for filtering out the power carrier interference


2015 - A 13.56-Mbps Pulse Delay Modulation Based Transceiver for Simultaneous Near-Field Data and Power Transmission

Abstract—A fully-integrated near-field wireless transceiver has been presented for simultaneous data and power transmission across inductive links, which operates based on pulse delay modulation (PDM) technique. PDM is a low-power carrier-less modulation scheme that offers wide bandwidth along with robustness against strong power carrier interference, which makes it suitable for implantable neuroprosthetic devices, such as retinal implants.

To transmit each bit, a pattern of narrow pulses are generated at the same frequency of the power carrier across the transmitter (Tx) data coil with specific time delays to initiate decaying ringing across the tuned receiver (Rx) data coil. This ringing shifts the zero-crossing times of the undesired power carrier interference on the Rx data coil, resulting in a phase shift between the signals across Rx power and data coils, from which the data bit stream can be recovered. A PDM transceiver prototype was fabricated in a 0.35- standard CMOS process, occupying 1.6 . The transceiver achieved a measured 13.56 Mbps data rate with a raw bit error rate (BER) of at 10 mm distance between figure-8 data coils, despite a signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of 18.5 dB across the Rx data coil. At the same time, a class-D power amplifier, operating at 13.56 MHz, delivered 42 mW of regulated power across a separate pair of high-Q power coils, aligned with the data coils. The PDM data Tx and Rx power consumptions were 960 pJ/bit and 162 pJ/bit, respectively, at 1.8 V supply voltage.

Index Terms—Implantable medical devices, impulse radio, inductive coupling, near-field transceiver, neuroprostheses, pulse delay modulation, wireless power transmission.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Common S - medium everything (pretty much) with a 180 degree phase shift (so flipped signal)

C Drain
HIGH Zin                      low Zout
HIGH current gain        low voltage gain

C Gate
low Zin                          HIGH Zout
low current gain            HIGH voltage gain

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

LCD without pot for Arduino with menu using rotary encoder

Here's some sample code (note: will not compile) just to give you an idea:
  1. /*
  2. * Arduino LCD
  3. */
  4. #include <LiquidCrystal.h>

  5. /* Menu */
  6. #define MOVECURSOR 9 // Basically the same thing as const [whatever]
  7. const int contrast = 20; // min. PWM value
  8. const int menuTimeout = 10000; // time to timeout in a menu when user doesn't do anything.

  9. LiquidCrystal lcd(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7); // Arduino pins ~ creates LC object.
  10. // Parameters: (rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7) // LCD pins
  11. void setup() { // Setups things like bit rate or to change pins to output
  12. lcd.begin(totCols,totRows); // (width, height)
  13. }
  14. void loop() { // Iterates forever once loaded on Arduino
  15. lcd.setCursor(0,0);
  16. lcd.print("Effective Altruism movement");
  17. }
Probably eventually going to need to use this:
  1. lcd.noCursor();
  2. lcd.clear();
See with:
Extra -

Toggle backlight link.

Bonus - Tinkercad keyboard + LCD

Delta_G recommends using his menu: 
If using, this post helps: 
My LCD screen is a 4x20 (rows by columns) with the same pinouts from the picture and schematic above. Here is my edits of Delta_G's library: 
Here is the discussion on it: 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Ethernet cord

Is the bytes per second determined by the service provider for a regular ethernet cord?
I'm wondering about the most common gps when using ethernet...

It's determined by the hardware at the two ends of the wire, and what standards they have in common. Historically, 100 Mbps was the most common. 1 Gbps might be catching up now. 10, 40 and 100 Gbps are used for things like communication between servers in datacenters. 400 Gbps is coming out in the next year or so.

~ mid-2018

Transistor naming convention

The letter is always 'N', and the first digit is 1 for diodes, 2 for transistors, 3 for four-leaded devices, and so forth. Metal-can package can be PN2222A.

After that, it's garbage. The letters or numbers I mean.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Old Jetpacks

Bell Rocket Belt - status: development canceled
1962 by Wendell Moore
Fuel - hydrogen peroxide
Flight time - 20 sec
It works by sending the pressurized fuel through a decomposition catalyst—in this case a series of fine-meshed screens made of silver. The peroxide instantly expands into superheated steam, producing a few hundred pounds of thrust at the exhaust nozzles. These are controlled by the pilot’s hand grips. There’s no aerodynamic lift; the thing stays aloft through the physics of brute force. It has the glide angle of an Acme anvil.
JB10 - status: retrofitted as new JB11 (see Fig. 35)
2017 by David Mayman and Nelson Tyler
Image result for jb10 and jb11 jetpack
Fuel - kerosene or diesel
Flight time ~ 7 min

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How to Study for the Sciences

 Skim what’s coming up in the textbook, so it’s not all totally unfamiliar and you have some idea of what’s coming.
 Skim the previous day’s notes, so you can relate each lecture to what came before.

Briefly look over titles, introductions, subheadings, first few sentences beneath subheadings, figures, diagrams, italicized or boldfaced words and terms, and summaries. As you preview, ask yourself:
§ What is this about?
§ What do I know about this ... and don't know or don't remember?
§ Where does the author begin and where is he going?
§ What is the organizational pattern (relationships, chronological, topics?)
§ How does this fit into what we are learning in this course?
§ How difficult or how easy is this?
§ Is there terminology that is unfamiliar or that I will need to review?
§ How important is this information? Are there parts I could skim and get the main ideas?
§ Where can I make logical breaks in the reading to divide up my study time?
§ In what order might I read the information in the chapter? Would it be easier and more motivating to read the most interesting section first? 

 Do not “just read” without thinking about what you are reading – that’s “pretend studying”
 Study your textbook along with your notes – do they agree with each other? Do you understand the flow of the story? At the very least, annotate your notes with helpful ideas from the textbook

 How could you study differently next time to improve your score?