Monday, April 30, 2018

Old Jetpacks

Bell Rocket Belt - status: development canceled
1962 by Wendell Moore
Fuel - hydrogen peroxide
Flight time - 20 sec
It works by sending the pressurized fuel through a decomposition catalyst—in this case a series of fine-meshed screens made of silver. The peroxide instantly expands into superheated steam, producing a few hundred pounds of thrust at the exhaust nozzles. These are controlled by the pilot’s hand grips. There’s no aerodynamic lift; the thing stays aloft through the physics of brute force. It has the glide angle of an Acme anvil.
JB10 - status: retrofitted as new JB11 (see Fig. 35)
2017 by David Mayman and Nelson Tyler
Image result for jb10 and jb11 jetpack
Fuel - kerosene or diesel
Flight time ~ 7 min