Sunday, July 29, 2018

Ethernet cord

Is the bytes per second determined by the service provider for a regular ethernet cord?
I'm wondering about the most common gps when using ethernet...

It's determined by the hardware at the two ends of the wire, and what standards they have in common. Historically, 100 Mbps was the most common. 1 Gbps might be catching up now. 10, 40 and 100 Gbps are used for things like communication between servers in datacenters. 400 Gbps is coming out in the next year or so.

~ mid-2018

Transistor naming convention

The letter is always 'N', and the first digit is 1 for diodes, 2 for transistors, 3 for four-leaded devices, and so forth. Metal-can package can be PN2222A.

After that, it's garbage. The letters or numbers I mean.